From an article by Claudio Ripa
Although Bucher in 1960 with the walk underwater in the sunken city of Baia, in a report made by the Pittiruti Television and commented on by Amedeo Maiuri, had shown the archaeological wonders hidden in our sea, only after the discovery of the first two statues of the Blue Grotto of Capri, there was a polarization of the 'importance and fascination of underwater archeology. In fact, the controversy from the recovery of those statues and the "hype" advertising "Underwater World" taken from television and the world press, meant that many hitherto indifferent divers started to become interested in underwater archeology. While the complaint and the recovery of the two statues made by Maltin and Solaini to tell the truth to be said that the first to have identified the statues was Gennaro Post, a professional diver, as well as Bay, most of the discoveries were credited with divers or professional fishermen. E 'therefore extremely difficult to search, in Campania, the founding fathers "of underwater archeology. Where to look, in fact? Among the scholars like Gunther, who was interested, so many years ago, our ancient submerged, and in particular those in the area of \u200b\u200bthe coast of Posillipo? Among the heirs of the "sakanaciuki," as Professor Miraglia, my father, who sometimes discovered shards, but that went under water to spear fish, the style still used by the Polynesians? Vongolari between old and spears, still patrolling the waters in search of prey? Or among the many who, for sport or for fun, to spend leisure or for pushing some kind of other reasons, the water we go, guard, patrol, looking for everything and anything, sometimes armed with rifles or underwater chamber, often without these tools, and are and, Research should be done a little of all these people: how to ignore people like Raimondo Bucher, who may be right to conclude on one of the founding fathers of 'Underwater Archaeology in Italy, at least to have given credence and momentum almost half a century ago with photography underwater and surface area of \u200b\u200bflooded areas. And how to ignore those amateurs who have gradually expanded their wealth of knowledge, rather than rely on luck, at sea and in search of truth, started to go with a base of scientific knowledge? Certainly, the development of underwater archeology could not have been the invention of Cousteau and Gagnan, breathing apparatus, were not successful, just after the war, to 'prevail even among the non-professional dive. Occurred instead of putting all affordable diving, underwater breathing apparatus has led scholars and enthusiasts. So that employment has become the underwater search of a few happy, activity of many unhappy. Unhappy about the way things work in Italy and where the divers who are interested in archeosub, while often willing to offer Superintendents collaboration are often treated as petitioners waiting for a pardon. We say that the line of development in Campania dell'archeosub moves informed by research and scholarly (occasional, sometimes targeted, along with the other or side), continue under the influence of passion to amateurs who make available to the Superintendent the his work; finally arrives, and what in recent months, for a successful synthesis, which is a bay between research officer and private researchers. But this, alas, as episodic fact, although not entirely new, as in Campania, other times there had been moments of happy collaboration between the public and private sectors such as exploration between De and Franciscis Lamboglia, the search for the alleged Port of Paestum request by a group of the late Mario Napoli, then the verification of scientific hypotheses Professor Andreae Punta nymphaeum on Epitaph. The underwater archeology is a science still very young and has suffered and is suffering from teething problems, but will make his way as he made the 'traditional archeology. Just do not think, as was often done to exclude an activity from which lovers, the "small Schlieman, which are many, and operate throughout the world. The spread of the practice of diving, the depletion of fish prey in the field, the simplicity dell'autorespiratore self-employment, are elements which can bring anything but harm to archaeological research in the underwater site. As rightly pointed out long ago, the French Denis Fonquerle of CMAS, "even before the States will decide to consider the underwater archeology a science officer, to make laws for the protection of sites and relics and take measures for the implementation of these Read, research volunteers, willingly and voluntarily, and laid the foundations of this new discipline and contributed to its development. " This, it should be said, is precisely the case of Italy and even more of Campania: the divide between "researcher Scientific research should be abolished and the second encouraged to pursue his work on the side of the first (when it exists). The surveys and excavations in the sea are no longer the preserve of a small circle, the holder of a tight secret. Honest, careful in what they do, and experienced in their work, even if they are among us, "we are not civil servants, and even adventurers." Empowering archeosub "passion" would break the chain that binds unfortunately still in a circle of silence the sea pirates. I say this because I think of how much they have suffered the submerged ancient Campania, precisely by means of them, and what would have been can enrich the study of underwater heritage in our country if they had been encouraged to work to the benefit of the community, to work for science, as few of which I am honored to be part of. The history of underwater archeology was written, unfortunately, even by the robbers, but, alas, how much of the treasure they found in ancient sea, is now lost to common knowledge.
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