Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sheet Music Piano Free Cinematic Orchestra

and here comes the new server installed.
hope it works well ...

For those who still have trouble seeing the forum and see the blog, follow these steps:

[Flush the dns]
(x Validate Windows XP and earlier)
menu start-> run -> type cmd.exe -> a black window pops up -> in the black window type "ipconfig / flushdns" (without quotation marks)
( Valid seven and having x)
Start Menu-> type cmd.exe in the search bar -> a black window pops up -> in the black window type "ipconfig / flushdns" (without quotation marks)

[Clear browser cache]
Cancel browser's cache (on almost all you can do to reload the page with the key part of the address bar, hold down capital letters)
(this is useful if you continue to see the page redirects to the blog)

you do this, if you still have problems, try to get one of these other addresses

In case if not, just wait a few hours (usually within 6 dns is updated every hour) and re do the writing on it to flush the dns.

point out that there are problems with the email and then the records could suffer ... we hope to address soon.

finally remember that if you find problems, there is a special section on the site forum.

I hope you get back on the forum and I apologize on behalf of all the staff for this further down the site days ...

A greeting from the staff.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Junior Shrek Monopoly

New Server Ordered

Hello everyone ^. ^

As promised, here is the update on the work of the transfer.

We ordered the new server and now we are waiting to receive from the company.
In the past it has happened that we'll deliver it only after some time (only once) or in the following days (if I remember correctly, once we have been waiting for weeks ...)
Now we just have to wait ...

Meanwhile, a little innovation: the right hand column of the blog, above, appeared a little status bar the progress of work with information on what we are doing right now. In this way about you know where we work ...

Meanwhile, remember that it is pointless to ask in the comments of the blog password, because when we have no way either of us to view them.

staff DownloadZone

Friday, August 27, 2010

Nutrition Of Dried Pineapple

We leave

Well yes ... you depart for a new server.
From now on we must abandon the current server and wait to get a new one.
What can of course take a few days and then we count on your patience

^ ^ PS: We already know where to buy the server, you need not leave us feedback on where to take them when

will try to keep up to date and order status server installation.

staff DownloadZone Forum

Friday, August 13, 2010

What Happens After Kill Bill 2

Server temporarily Online

The server is temporarily restored (in the days that followed, has been seriously damaged by an attack of a script for a nice looking machines ke hackers use to attack other sites ... and due to a flaw in an older version of software on your machine, failed to start a scriptino ke has created many problems, including the inaccessibility of the server)

Unfortunately, this is what has happened and the machine all ' now still some problems, but it is working for now. But it is said that could once again fall down or not work at all (and if so, could be lost to latest posts or changes made to the forum).
It is therefore recommended not to write messages or other material to keep a copy on your PC so you can re-enter later.

For the future, short, and as soon as possible, we will move to another machine a little more powerful and to test new technical solutions to try to improve the availability of the forum.

will then be possible that in the coming days that the forum can not be reached.
To transfer to the new platform, we will notify you on this blog as the availability of the new machine and then the possibility of moving.

We apologize again for any inconvenience these days (I hope understand that more than this we could not do)

PS: nice to go commenting on other sites, remember that the site staff works constantly trying to offer the best service possible (even on vacation, instead of spend time at leisure), then we would appreciate that instead of complaining or just try other alternatives, at least you were in a bit grateful (I think that if you're here, at least when you use our service ...)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What Type Of Material Absorbs Heat Best


And here we go again more ... this page now I think you know it sooo good ...

Unfortunately, the server is still the whims ... is now completely inaccessible, and the society in which we got there a long line (it's already been asked to restart more than once and it would appear that they did ... but the server is still unreachable ...)

Unfortunately it is currently not possible to do inter alia more ...

We ask you to wait and hope the problem is solved in the shortest possible time ...

PS: Notice, it could take days ...